Staying Sharp: How We’re Keeping Busy During Lockdown 2.0


A stay-at-home order has many of us stuck inside but lockdown doesn’t mean down time for us at Black Widow. Check out how some of our artists are keeping busy and staying sharp in preparation to return back to the shop.

Shop owner and senior artist, Chino has dedicated his time towards an in-depth study of scrollwork patterns, conceptualizing Victorian Era inspired imagery featuring ominous subject matter.

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Resident artist, Vince has used his time focusing on larger scale projects; creating original black and grey designs rendered with pencil on tracing paper. Sleeve concepts are available to be tattooed and ideal for arms and legs.


Junior artist, Jesse has been pushing her creative boundary and working on a series of original ballpoint designs on vintage cloth. Check out some of her latest paños below.


Our newest member of the team, Guido has been drawing non-stop, releasing a series of flash sheets. All flash pieces are available to be tattooed and feature illustrative blackwork designs inspired by obscure and macabre like themes.

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We couldn’t be more excited to get back to tattooing. In the meantime, we’ll stay on top of our game, artistically ready and our technical abilities sharp. We hope to see everyone sooner than later.

Take care and stay safe,

The team at Black Widow Tattoo

Black Widow