How to Choose the Best Cover-Up Tattoo: A Comprehensive Guide


Choosing a cover-up tattoo can be an exciting and transformative journey. Whether you're looking to hide a poorly done tattoo, cover up a reminder of a difficult time, or simply update your existing ink, a cover-up tattoo offers a fresh start. However, the process can be overwhelming if you're unsure of where to start. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the different types of cover-up tattoos, the factors to consider when choosing one, and provide tips on finding the right artist to bring your vision to life.

Understanding Cover-Up Tattoos: A New Design Over the Old

A cover-up tattoo is a new design that is tattooed over the top of an existing tattoo, effectively hiding or incorporating the old tattoo into the new piece of art. The effectiveness of a cover-up depends on the original tattoo and the design of the cover-up. Faded tattoos in light colours are generally easier to disguise than fresh, dark tattoos. In some cases, laser tattoo removal sessions may be recommended prior to a cover-up to fade the original tattoo and provide better results.

Cover-up done by our colour realism specialist Nico.

Tattoo Removal vs. Tattoo Cover-Up: Making the Right Choice

Before diving into the process of choosing a cover-up tattoo, it's important to understand the alternative option: tattoo removal. Laser tattoo removal involves using a laser to break down the ink particles in the skin, allowing the body's immune system to gradually remove them. This process requires multiple sessions and can be costly. However, for individuals who want a completely clean slate with no trace of their old tattoo, laser removal may be the best option.

On the other hand, a cover-up tattoo offers a creative solution to transform your existing ink into something new and personalized. It allows you to work with an artist to design a tattoo that incorporates or hides the old tattoo. This option is ideal for those who want to keep a tattoo in the same location but desire a fresh design or want to add new artwork to their body without the extensive sessions required for laser removal.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Cover-Up Tattoo

When choosing a cover-up tattoo, several factors come into play. These include the size, the colours and saturation of the original ink, the age and design of the tattoo, and the desired outcome of the cover-up. Let's explore each of these factors in more detail:

Size: Finding the Right Canvas

The size of your existing tattoo will determine the minimum size of your cover-up tattoo. For a high cover-up success rate, the new design needs to be larger. This allows the tattoo artist to incorporate the existing lines and shapes into the new artwork seamlessly. It's essential to work with an artist who can create a design that not only covers the old tattoo but also enhances the overall aesthetics.

Cover-up done by our fineline black and grey specialist Vince.

Colours and Saturation: Concealing the Past

When choosing a cover-up tattoo design, consider the colours and saturation of the original tattoo. Darker colours, such as blacks and blues, tend to dominate over lighter shades. It's crucial to work with an experienced artist who can select the right colours and ensure proper saturation to effectively hide the old tattoo.

Age: Time Can Be on Your Side

The age of your existing tattoo can also impact the success of a cover-up. Older tattoos often have faded ink and blurred lines, making them easier to cover. The longer a tattoo has had to settle into the skin, the better the new ink can blend with the old, creating a seamless cover-up. However, even newer tattoos can be successfully covered with the right design and technique.

Cover-up done by our resident colour realism specialist Nico.

Subject Matter: What works and what won’t

A reputable artist will help you determine what is and isn’t feasible so be realistic and open-minded. The most effective cover-ups utilize organic shapes, size and saturation. Concepts to consider include floral, eagles and snakes. Concepts to avoid include subject matter that is primarily made up of geometric patterns, symmetrical lines and negative space.

The success of your cover-up ultimately depends on finding the right tattoo artist. Take the time to research and choose an artist who specializes in cover-up tattoos and has experience in transforming existing ink. Look for artists with a style that resonates with you and a portfolio that showcases their skill in cover-up work. Don't hesitate to schedule consultations with different artists to discuss your ideas, see their previous cover-up work, and ensure that you feel comfortable working with them.

The Process of Getting a Cover-Up Tattoo

Once you have found the right tattoo artist and have a clear vision for your cover-up tattoo, the process can begin. Here is a breakdown of the typical steps involved in getting a cover-up tattoo:

1. Consultation: Discussing Your Ideas

During the initial consultation, you will meet with your chosen tattoo artist to discuss your ideas, assess your existing tattoo, the surrounding space available and determine what is and isn’t feasible. This is an opportunity to share your preferences, ask questions, and ensure that both you and the artist are on the same page regarding the design, size, and colours.

2. Design Development: Bringing Your Vision to Life

Based on your consultation, the tattoo artist will begin developing the design for your cover-up tattoo. They will consider the existing tattoo, your desired outcome, and their artistic expertise to create a design that effectively covers the old tattoo and meets your expectations. This may involve incorporating elements of the old tattoo into the new design or completely transforming it into something new.

3. Tattooing Sessions: Transforming the Canvas

Once the design is finalized, the tattooing process can begin. Depending on the size and complexity of the cover-up tattoo, multiple sessions may be required to complete the transformation. The artist will use their skill and technique to carefully tattoo over the old tattoo, ensuring that the new ink blends seamlessly and effectively hides the previous design. The number of sessions and the duration of each session will vary depending on the individual and the specific cover-up requirements.

4. Aftercare: Protecting Your New Artwork

After each tattoo session, proper aftercare is essential to ensure the healing and longevity of your new cover-up tattoo. Your tattoo artist will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your tattoo, including cleaning, moisturizing, and avoiding activities that may compromise the healing process. Following these instructions diligently will help preserve the quality and appearance of your cover up tattoo.

Final Thoughts: Embrace the Transformation

Choosing a cover up tattoo is an opportunity to embrace change, transform your existing ink, and create a new piece of art that reflects your current preferences and style. By considering factors such as size, colours, age, and design, and working closely with a skilled tattoo artist, you can achieve a successful cover-up that allows you to move forward with confidence and pride in your new tattoo. Remember, the process may require time and patience, but the end result will be a meaningful and personalized piece of artwork that tells your unique story.

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