Tips To Take Care of Your Tattoo This Summer


Summer is finally here, and understanding how to take care of your new tattoo is more important than ever. Summertime has always proven to be the most popular time to get tattoos, but is it the best time to show them off? It goes without saying that tattoos will gradually fade over time, but sun exposure can, more often than not, negatively expedite the fading process. Below, you’ll find tips on how to take care of your tattoo this season in order to achieve the best possible results.

  1. Avoid direct sunlight

    Do your best to keep your tattoo out of the sun. Ironic, yes. Effective, absolutely! Keeping your tattoo covered and out of direct sunlight will protect your tattoo from UV damage, which could potentially result in a much lighter and washed out tattoo. Aside from limiting your time under the sun, be sure to wear loose and breathable clothing that covers your tattoo, providing further protection.

  2. Use sunscreen

    If you’ve given into the temptation of laying on the beach or enjoying a beer on the patio (something that we can’t blame you for), use sunscreen! We don’t want you to put the enjoyment of summer on hold, so do your best to protect your tattoo. Apply SPF 30 (or higher) sunscreen to your healed tattoo to avoid significant fading. This will reduce the risk of UV rays breaking down pigment in your tattoo, and is especially important for maintaining lighter colours such as white, yellow, etc.

  3. Let your tattoo heal properly

    Before showing off your new tattoo, be sure to allow enough time for your tattoo to fully heal. Tattoo aftercare is fundamental to your tattoo’s healing process. Be patient and follow the aftercare instructions provided by your artist. Avoid submerging your piece in water, exposing it to sunlight, or applying oil-based products for up to 2-3 weeks.

By following these simple steps, you’ll notice a significant difference in the quality of your tattoo over time (especially following the summer months). Although sometimes seemingly tedious, these tips will ensure that your piece maintains the artistry that both you and your tattooer worked so hard for. Once again, avoid direct sunlight, use sunscreen, allow ample time for your tattoo to fully heal, and, most importantly, enjoy your summer!

Black Widow