Q&A: Is It Time For A Touch-Up?


Tattoos may be permanent, but it's their longevity that's unpredictable. As our tattoos age, they’ll inevitably weather conditions beyond our control. From the nature of our skin to seasonal conditions and overall exposure, you might find yourself asking, “is it time for a touch-up?”

The answer comes down to the preference between yourself and your artist. Touch-ups can range from minor detail reinforcement caused by faded pigment and/or fallout, to a more extensive overall second pass. The decision to touch-up an existing tattoo is subjective and is based on the individual’s goal. Some clients prefer that their tattoos look weathered, as time can add unique aesthetic character, whereas some clients prefer a more vibrant and “fresh” looking tattoo. Regardless of the reason, asking your artist for their professional input will be the most effective approach when considering a touch-up.

Be sure to ask your artist about their touch-up policies. Most reputable shops will offer a free touch-up to their clients for up to one year from their original appointment, so long as they've followed all aftercare instructions.

Black Widow